What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

Whether your loved one is dealing with an illness, addiction, career change, or other serious issue, it’s hard to watch them suffer. You want to wave a magic wand that makes them happy and solves their issues. However, you don’t have a magic wand. So what can you do?...
Natural Ways to Counter Depression

Natural Ways to Counter Depression

Depression can come from many sources. Sometimes, the blues are brought on by a tragic event, such as the death of a loved one or losing your first love. At other times, however, these emotions seem to come without any reason at all. If you’re suffering from...
Reflections On Overcoming Addiction

Reflections On Overcoming Addiction

I have a strategy for overcoming my addiction. I envision myself overcoming my addiction with my strong will and determination. I recognize that it is up to me to take a stand for my desires and make healthy choices. My mind is in charge. I exert control over my...