I create my life with my thoughts, words, and actions.

I create my life with my thoughts, words, and actions.

I am in control of my life. I have the power to create the life I desire and deserve. I have everything I need inside of me to change my life as I see fit. I understand that thoughts are powerful because they influence my mindset, words, and actions. My thoughts are...
7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

There are so many reasons why it’s important to have a purpose. However, most people have never considered what their purpose is. It can be challenging to establish your purpose if you seem to spend all of your energy just surviving your day to day life. However,...
What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

Whether your loved one is dealing with an illness, addiction, career change, or other serious issue, it’s hard to watch them suffer. You want to wave a magic wand that makes them happy and solves their issues. However, you don’t have a magic wand. So what can you do?...