Read Articles, Daily Reflections
and Inspiring Stories About
Addiction and Recovery

Challenging times are only temporary

Challenging times are only temporary

Challenging times are only temporary, so I refuse to worry about them. I know that any negative circumstances in my life always pass soon enough. I am a patient person, and I can easily bide my time until the situation changes for the better. I am free of concern when...

Make Life Interesting: View Everything as a Test

Make Life Interesting: View Everything as a Test

It’s helpful to view life as just a series of tests to be solved. Some of these tests were created by your own choices. Others are the result of randomness. Either way, the test still has to be taken and passed. It might be a test of your cleverness. Another day, it...

The Meditative Path to Changing Daily Habits

The Meditative Path to Changing Daily Habits

It’s natural for your brain to operate on autopilot sometimes. If you had to stop and think about each daily decision, it would be difficult to get much done. That’s one reason why habits are so important. Habits are also automatic, and repetition makes them stronger....

I have a strategy for overcoming my addiction

I have a strategy for overcoming my addiction

I envision myself overcoming my addiction with my strong will and determination. I recognize that it is up to me to take a stand for my desires and make healthy choices. My mind is in charge. I exert control over my body's unhealthy cravings. I am clear in my mind...

I express my unique gifts

I express my unique gifts

I accept myself as I am now while continuing to develop my potential. I share my unique talents and skills with the world. I increase my self-knowledge and awareness. I meditate daily to connect with my thoughts and feelings. I spend time contemplating my values and...

Exercise strengthens me

Exercise strengthens me

Exercise strengthens me mentally and physically. I feel happier and accomplish more when I lead an active life. I build my muscles and thicken my bones. I develop the stamina to perform my daily activities with ease. I do housework and run errands without becoming...

How to Spot Hidden Depression in Loved Ones

How to Spot Hidden Depression in Loved Ones

Depression isn’t always easy to spot in loved ones, and they may be hiding it on purpose. However, there are signs and tips to help you see their hidden depression. Depression can be a devastating condition that affects them on multiple levels. Use these strategies to...

I nurture positive connections

I nurture positive connections

My relationships are strong and healthy. I let others know how much they mean to me and the difference they make in my life. I treat them with respect and compassion. I value their opinions and wellbeing. I want them to be happy and successful. My friends and family...

I receive the energy to free my body from addiction

I receive the energy to free my body from addiction

When I allow myself to believe I am more than my impulses, I receive the energy I need to free my body from addiction. I know that ridding myself of addiction is a lifelong challenge, but I also know that it gets easier to hold at bay the longer I continue to resist....

I create my life with my thoughts, words, and actions.

I create my life with my thoughts, words, and actions.

I am in control of my life. I have the power to create the life I desire and deserve. I have everything I need inside of me to change my life as I see fit. I understand that thoughts are powerful because they influence my mindset, words, and actions. My thoughts are...

7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Purpose

There are so many reasons why it’s important to have a purpose. However, most people have never considered what their purpose is. It can be challenging to establish your purpose if you seem to spend all of your energy just surviving your day to day life. However,...

What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

What to Do When Your Loved One is Suffering

Whether your loved one is dealing with an illness, addiction, career change, or other serious issue, it’s hard to watch them suffer. You want to wave a magic wand that makes them happy and solves their issues. However, you don’t have a magic wand. So what can you do?...

Natural Ways to Counter Depression

Natural Ways to Counter Depression

Depression can come from many sources. Sometimes, the blues are brought on by a tragic event, such as the death of a loved one or losing your first love. At other times, however, these emotions seem to come without any reason at all. If you're suffering from feelings...

Reflections On Overcoming Addiction

Reflections On Overcoming Addiction

I have a strategy for overcoming my addiction. I envision myself overcoming my addiction with my strong will and determination. I recognize that it is up to me to take a stand for my desires and make healthy choices. My mind is in charge. I exert control over my...