Promote Your Business While Supporting
The Sobriety Movement In Your Community!
Executive Summary
You’re invited to add your support to one of the most important community initiatives to come along. By doing so, you’ll also be accessing one of the most powerful ways to promote your business on and offline.
We Heal By Choice is attacking the challenge of drug and alcohol addiction by collaborating with all community stakeholders to maximize the effectiveness of available resources and by creating new ones with your help.
Supporting the community sobriety movement in your community not only creates an affordable way to promote your business but also offers these additional benefits:
- Help struggling neighbors and their friends and family members to get their lives back
- Reduce crime in your community
- Restore productivity at work for “functional addicts” who are battling addiction
- Distinguish yourself and your business as a “Community Supporter” for enhanced credibility, trust and influence with your customers and colleagues
- One-time investment – lifetime promotion (Limited availability)
Click the button below to get the details and then contact us using the forms on this page to be contacted to add your support to the movement. You can also call directly at (800) 306-6488 ext. 1 for immediate assistance.

Restore hope, unity and opportunity in your community
while you promote your business to grateful neighbors!
There’s nothing more inspiring than joining an initiative that benefits you, your business and your community. That’s the opportunity you have with the We Heal By Choice Sobriety Movement. Your participation makes more resources available to people who struggle with addiction while enhancing quality of life for everyone in your community.
Joining the community effort to eradicate addiction also gives you a high profile way to promote your business by showing your commitment to the people you serve. Not only do our struggling neighbors and their friends and family members see your commitment but fellow business owners, and other members of the community also recognize your efforts.
Keep reading to fully understand the opportunity you have to make a difference and make a profit too!
The Movement
We are creating a movement that rallies all stakeholders in our community to join the effort to tackle the challenge of addiction. The truth is this challenge requires the participation of our entire community and the good news is everyone can play a role.
Our focus on coordinating the human capital, technology, and educational resources in our communities gives everyone a meaningful role in the effort without requiring a major investment of their time, energy or money from any one individual. It also creates sustainability since the responsibility on any one individual is a fraction of what it might otherwise take.
The Approach
Education and communication are the key to creating the path to recovery and sobriety for people struggling with addiction. Friends and family members who support them also benefit from learning best practices in supporting recovery without enabling the addiction. Our primary focus through We Heal By Choice is to create these resources, in consultation with professionals who offer treatment and mental health support on chemical dependence. We operate a full, professional TV studio and radio studio from which we create online courses on this topic since that is the most cost effective way to make the education resources available to the community at no cost to those who need them.
Our podcast is the principal tool we use to communicate consistently with the community generally and struggling community members who need access to our free educational resources. We also conduct direct community outreach to other community service organizations as well as local, state and federal agencies who are responsible for some aspect of addressing the drug crisis in our communities.
Funding the development of the educational resources and making them available at no cost to the community is accomplished with the support of business owners like you who choose to sponsor this initiative by promoting their businesses through our sponsor directory.
This approach benefits our entire community including our sponsors since everyone gets value from the goals of the initiative and/or by being responsible for making it possible for us to fund it.
Your Participation
By supporting this initiative as a sponsor you are not only helping struggling community members to get their lives back but you are also improving quality of life for yourself and other communities by helping to reduce crime, reduce medical care costs, increase productivity at work, and dramatically reduce the sense of hopelessness and helplessness that exists in communities plagued by drug activity.
Your decision to support us doesn’t require you to sacrifice since it comes with a valuable opportunity to promote your business. By sponsoring this initiative you’re putting your best foot forward throughout your entire community, not just people who struggle with addiction, not just their family members and friends but the entire community who sees this program being made available courtesy of your financial support.
Join the Movement
Participation in the We Heal By Choice Sobriety Movement provides you with a powerful way to contribute to your community and showcase your business. Promoting your business through the Movement is more than just an advertisement. It spotlights you as a hero in your community. Your support creates gratitude in the eyes of others who see you supporting a higher quality of life for others. There simply is no more effective or affordable way for you to put your best foot forward with your neighbors and customers.
The Investment
Special Early Supporter Opportunity.
We are currently offering the first two real estate brokers, mortgage brokers and/or direct sales teams in each state the opportunity to acquire a block of ten lifetime sponsorships with We Heal By Choice for just a one time invest of $1,000.00. That means you can list your business in up to 10 counties in your state or you can list up to 10 of your sales team members with their own separate profiles in up to 10 counties. The investment for lifetime sponsorship is less than most of us pay for a cup of coffee a day. Isn’t your community worth that investment? We believe it is and hope you agree!

A personal note from our founders.
Our invitation to you to become part of a potent solution to the challenge of addiction that is destroying our communities, our families and our lives is not one we make lightly. Addiction is a big challenge but we can beat it if we work together, doing our part to create momentum towards eradicating this plague.
We are committed to working with all affected community stakeholders, local, state and federal agencies, as well as organizations that provide services and support for chemical dependence to. Our goal is to intensify the effectiveness of all available resources including the ones we are creating with help from you.
Your support for this initiative helps us accelerate our path to a solution while it increases your profile in the community along with your business. Everyone in your community wins when you choose to add your support to the effort.
Be sure to get your head around this one. Your community needs you and will reward you for your support.

Join the movement now!
Now is the time to participate in one of the most meaningful community initiatives for the benefit of your community. We hope the decision is an easy one given the magnitude of what we can do together and the fact that your business can benefit in the process. Let’s make a difference together for everyone’s benefit. Join the movement now!
Still have questions?
Call us today at (800) 306-6488, ext. 1 to get your questions answered fill in the form to the right to be contacted for a consultation.