Challenging times are only temporary, so I refuse to worry about them. I know that any negative circumstances in my life always pass soon enough.

I am a patient person, and I can easily bide my time until the situation changes for the better. I am free of concern when challenging times happen in my life.

I can often speed up the time it takes to overcome an obstacle in my life. By taking effective actions, I can move my life in a positive direction and overcome an obstacle more quickly.

I enjoy finding solutions to the challenges in my life and putting them into action.

However, there are times when all I can do is wait for the challenges to pass. This is when hope and patience are so important. I am full of hope. I am overflowing with patience.

When all I can do is wait, I wait as joyfully as I can. I know that it is only a matter of time before the sun shines again. Good times are right around the corner.

Today, I accept the challenges in my life. I deal with those challenges that I can influence. When challenges are outside of my control, I do what I can to get through them until better days come again. I remind myself that challenging times are only temporary.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What are the challenges I am facing in my life right now? Which of those challenges can I influence? Which of them can I not control at all?
  2. What have I done in the past to create my current challenges? How can I avoid a repeat performance?
  3. What is the greatest challenge in my life that I have overcome? How did I overcome it?