Exercise strengthens me mentally and physically. I feel happier and accomplish more when I lead an active life.

I build my muscles and thicken my bones. I develop the stamina to perform my daily activities with ease. I do housework and run errands without becoming fatigued. I can keep up with my children and grandchildren when we play together.

I condition my heart. I feel energetic and alert. I reduce my risk for many serious medical conditions.

I increase my balance and flexibility. I prevent falls. I move more comfortably.

I lift my spirits. I experience more resilience and contentment. I bounce back from disappointments. I tackle new challenges with optimism and curiosity.

I think more clearly. My mind stays sharp and focused.

I find a variety of activities I enjoy. I keep my workouts interesting by trying new ideas I learn from reading magazines or browsing online. I design routines that I can do during blizzards and business trips.

I socialize with others. Having a workout buddy gives me encouragement and a sense of accountability. Attending group classes makes CrossFit and yoga more fun.

I make working out a habit. I stick to my exercise routine by blocking out regular times each week. I put my track shoes by the front door for my morning run. I bring my gym bag to the office for my evening weight training session.

Today, I make time in my schedule to work out. Staying fit enhances the quality of my life. I feel motivated and fulfilled.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my main reason for working out?
  2. How does physical activity help me to manage stress?
  3. How can I get back on track if I miss a workout?