I express my unique gifts

I express my unique gifts

I accept myself as I am now while continuing to develop my potential. I share my unique talents and skills with the world. I increase my self-knowledge and awareness. I meditate daily to connect with my thoughts and feelings. I spend time contemplating my values and...
Exercise strengthens me

Exercise strengthens me

Exercise strengthens me mentally and physically. I feel happier and accomplish more when I lead an active life. I build my muscles and thicken my bones. I develop the stamina to perform my daily activities with ease. I do housework and run errands without becoming...
How to Spot Hidden Depression in Loved Ones

How to Spot Hidden Depression in Loved Ones

Depression isn’t always easy to spot in loved ones, and they may be hiding it on purpose. However, there are signs and tips to help you see their hidden depression. Depression can be a devastating condition that affects them on multiple levels. Use these strategies to...
I nurture positive connections

I nurture positive connections

My relationships are strong and healthy. I let others know how much they mean to me and the difference they make in my life. I treat them with respect and compassion. I value their opinions and wellbeing. I want them to be happy and successful. My friends and family...
I receive the energy to free my body from addiction

I receive the energy to free my body from addiction

When I allow myself to believe I am more than my impulses, I receive the energy I need to free my body from addiction. I know that ridding myself of addiction is a lifelong challenge, but I also know that it gets easier to hold at bay the longer I continue to resist....