I have a strategy for overcoming my addiction.

I envision myself overcoming my addiction with my strong will and determination. I recognize that it is up to me to take a stand for my desires and make healthy choices.

My mind is in charge. I exert control over my body’s unhealthy cravings. I am clear in my mind about which behaviors are beneficial to me and which ones are detrimental. The clarity of my understanding helps my mind to win the battle against my body.

I am teaching myself to think about my actions in light of the long term. I am aware of the impact of my decisions on my loved ones.

I keep a mental image of those I love the most. I honor them in all I do, whether they know about it or not, and I allow my love for them to motivate me toward the success we all deserve.

I am the same person in private as I am in public. My mind is in a constant state of peace. I feel free, because I release myself from the yoke of leading a double life. I am honest and clear in all my dealings with people.

To succeed at overcoming my addiction, I am enlisting the help of a non-judgmental friend. I make myself accountable to someone I trust, increasing my chances for success.

Today, I set myself on the path to freedom by adapting a lifestyle of honesty and openness. I am committed to being free, and the only actions I take today are ones that support my success.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Who is responsible for the choices I make?
  2. Who is affected by the choices I make?
  3. Who is a trusted accountability partner?